Online Parking Reservations for | Elmont, New York

Resident Commuter Parking at Elmont UBS Arena LIRR


About for Elmont UBS Arena LIRR Lot

Frequently Asked Questions

View frequently asked questions about parking at Elmont UBS Arena LIRR Lot.
What are the hours of the Elmont UBS Arena LIRR Lot?
The Elmont UBS Arena LIRR Lot is open 24/7.
When do I pay for parking?

Customers can pay for parking when they arrive at The Elmont UBS Arena LIRR Lot. They scan the QR code before they leave the lot. The annual rate is $10 and the daily rate (paid by passholders) is $4.89 + tax.

How will I receive the sticker?

The sticker will be mailed out and will no longer be available for pickup.

When will the sticker expire?

The sticker will expire exactly one year from your purchase date.

Where should the sticker be placed on my vehicle?
The sticker must be placed on the outside of the driver’s side back window.
What is the distance to the arena from the parking lot?
The Elmont UBS Arena LIRR Lot is 1.3 miles to the arena.